Scientists have made an extraordinary claim: they've achieved communication within dreams for the first time, something many would consider impossible. A California-based startup called 'Remspace' is behind this breakthrough. They developed a technology that allows two people to communicate with each other while they're dreaming, much like a scene from the movie "Inception," where the lines between dreams and reality blur.
Remspace used advanced equipment like servers, Wi-Fi, and sensors to carry out their experiment, though they haven't revealed exactly how it works. In the test, two people slept in different houses, and researchers were able to send a specially created sound between them. Once the sleepers heard this sound, they could communicate with each other in their dreams.
Michael Raduga, the CEO of Remspace, believes that one day this technology will become so common that we won't be able to imagine life without it. He sees huge potential for this breakthrough, predicting that it will open up many new commercial opportunities and change the way we think about interacting in the dream world. Raduga is hopeful that this technology will lead to major advances in fields like sleep research, mental health treatments, and skill training.
Scientists have made an extraordinary claim: they've achieved communication within dreams for the first time, something many would consider impossible. A California-based startup called 'Remspace' is behind this breakthrough. They developed a technology that allows two people to communicate with each other while they're dreaming, much like a scene from the movie "Inception," where the lines between dreams and reality blur.
Remspace used advanced equipment like servers, Wi-Fi, and sensors to carry out their experiment, though they haven't revealed exactly how it works. In the test, two people slept in different houses, and researchers were able to send a specially created sound between them. Once the sleepers heard this sound, they could communicate with each other in their dreams.
Michael Raduga, the CEO of Remspace, believes that one day this technology will become so common that we won't be able to imagine life without it. He sees huge potential for this breakthrough, predicting that it will open up many new commercial opportunities and change the way we think about interacting in the dream world. Raduga is hopeful that this technology will lead to major advances in fields like sleep research, mental health treatments, and skill training.