Famigo is a service brand created by Owlers to help foreigners live in Korea. The Famigo site provides services such as employment, admission, administration & law, language, life, and communication.
If you become Famigo's supporters and attract membership, Famigo will give you 3,000 won per person.

How to attract
Famigo supporters & members
[Step 1] Visit Famigo site & sign up Sign Up
[Step 2] Create & copy the referral code on My Page My Page
[Step 3] Encourage acquaintances to join the Famigo site. Information on entering your referral code when an acquaintance signs up as a member
[Step 4] If an acquaintance signs up as a member
You earns 3,000 won per person
[Step 5] Request deposit when certain reserves are accumulated
On the Famigo site, We’re going to share your daily stories in Korea and home country. Please post it. Lots of benefits are waiting for you.