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Check your Visa
and what you can get

Visa is one of the most important thing especially when you are thinking  of living in Korea legally for a long time. However, there are not many specific stories about visa when you search through the internet. Famigo is now here to tell you!

You can see basic information about visa in this page, and detailed information through the button below. 

Best Visa to Work in Advanced Industries, D-10-3

19 Sep 2024
Views 446

⬆️This article can be translated: 8 languages⬆️


This is Ciel from Famigo who informs you about the law and visa common sense in Korea every day.

Recently, leading universities in the world are releasing departments related to high-tech technology one after another.

Since the 4th Industrial Revolution, as various industries such as IT and AI require manpower, this can be seen as a natural result.

In response, Korea has also offered visas for talented people who have studied these disciplines professionally.

D-10-3, a high-tech intern visa. Let's take a look at it one by one?

1. Target

A foreigner is a graduate who is enrolled in a bachelor's program or higher in a high-tech field, or who has not passed three years from the date of obtaining a degree (bachelor: Under 30 years old, Master's and above: Under 35 years old) and has signed an internship contract with any of the following domestic companies

2. Conditions of domestic enterprises

- Domestic listed companies equipped with high-tech research facilities (research department)

- A domestic enterprise equipped with a research institute attached to an enterprise or a department dedicated to research and development under Article 14-2 of the Basic Research Act

- An enterprise designated as a high-tech enterprise pursuant to Article 9 of the Special Act on the Promotion of Special R&D Zones

- A venture company confirmed by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups pursuant to Article 25 of the Act on Special Measures for Fostering Venture Businesses

National and public research institutes, specific research institutes, and government-funded research institutes in the field of science and technology

3. the conditions of an excellent university abroad

- World's Top 200 Universities by Time magazine

- QS World University Ranking Top 500 Universities

4. the range of high-tech technologies

High-tech fields specified by the Ministry of Industry's notice include semiconductors, IT, technology management, nano, digital electronics, bio, transportation and machinery, new materials, environment and energy, etc

If you have any additional questions, please contact Famigo and we will respond actively.

We will try to make sure that you live a stable life in Korea today as well.

This was Famigo speaking.


매일 한국의 법과 비자 상식에 대해 알려드리는 Famigo의 Ciel입니다.

최근 세계 유수한 대학들에서 첨단 기술과 관련된 학과를 속속들이 내놓고 있는 실정입니다.

4차 산업혁명 이후 IT와 AI 등 다양한 업종에서 인력을 필요로 하는 만큼, 이는 당연한 결과라고 볼 수 있겠는데요.

이에 한국에서도 이런 학문들을 전문적으로 공부한 인재들을 위한 비자를 내놓았습니다.

바로 D-10-3, ‘첨단기술인턴’ 비자입니다. 하나씩 알아볼까요?

1. 대상

외국인은 ① 해외 우수대학(본교만 해당) ② 첨단기술 분야 학사과정 이상 재학생 또는 학위 취득일로부터 3년이 경과되지 않은 졸업생(학사: 만 30세미만, 석사이상: 만 35세 미만)으로 ③ 아래 어느 하나에 해당하는 국내기업 등과 인턴활동 계약을 체결한 자

2. 국내기업 조건

- 첨단 기술분야 연구시설(연구전담부서)을 갖춘 국내 상장기업

- 「기초연구법」제14조의2에 따른 기업부설연구소 또는 연구개발전담부서를 갖춘 국내 기업

- 「연구개발특구의 육성에 관한 특별법」제9조에 따라 첨단기술기업으로 지정받은 기업

- 「벤처기업육성에 관한 특별조치법」제25조에 따라 중소벤처기업부의 확인을 받은 벤처기업

국공립 연구기관, 특정연구기관, 과학기술분야 정부출연연구기관

3. 해외 우수 대학의 조건

- 타임지 선정 세계 200대 대학

- QS 세계 대학 순위 500위 이내 대학

4. 첨단 기술의 범위

산업부 고시에서 정한 첨단기술 분야로 반도체, IT, 기술경영, 나노, 디지털전자, 바이오, 수송 및 기계, 신소재, 환경 및 에너지 등

추가 문의사항은 Famigo 측으로 문의주시면 적극 답변해드리겠습니다.

오늘도 여러분들의 안정적인 한국 생활을 위해 노력하겠습니다.


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