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Word from Member of Famigo

Learn Korean language & culture as much as you can

- Khandjamts 

from Mongolia, D2

Living: Student in Korea

To become a student, you must know several things.

Word from Member of Famigo

Korea is land of oppertunities with endless possibilities.

- Chinbat  

from Mongolia, E7

Living: Worker in Korea

Want to get a job or want to know all related to it? This is how

Check your Visa
and what you can get

Visa is one of the most important thing especially when you are thinking  of living in Korea legally for a long time. However, there are not many specific stories about visa when you search through the internet. Famigo is now here to tell you!

You can see basic information about visa in this page, and detailed information through the button below. 

Other BenefitsEverything for foreign student employment!

1 Nov 2024
Views 301

⬆️This article can be translated: 8 languages⬆️


This is Ciel from Famigo who informs you about the law and visa common sense in Korea every day.

It's been a week since I found out that the government is serious about attracting foreign students.

While writing for Famigo, I introduced many international student support programs such as the RISE program.

The Ministry of Education, the Ministry of SMEs and Startups, and the Ministry of Justice have joined forces to establish a new system for hiring international students.

Today, we're going to talk about the 'K-work platform'.

1. What is the K-work platform?

A job matching platform for foreign students that supports customized SME jobs through One-Stop for foreign students and helps SMEs attract excellent global talents

2. Characteristics

- Strengthen the provision of various employment information and counseling services in connection with the Korea (Study in Korea) and public and private recruitment platforms

- Information from the Study in Korea and immigration information from the Ministry of Justice are automatically linked

- Provide services such as online resume preparation, job postings for companies hiring international students, and artificial intelligence (AI)-based connection (matching) recommendations

3. Major Benefits

- Employment-specific education and internship support for excellent foreign student graduates (scheduled) (Global Talent Employment Leading University)

- International students are trained as export professionals to small and medium-sized enterprises through job training in the export field using trade-related cooperative organizations (K-Export Warrior Academy)

- Support for "recommendation of visas for professional personnel (E-7-1)" for foreign students and "conversion of visas for skilled workers (E-7-4)" for non-professional personnel (E-9)

- Providing necessary forms for various employment support packages operated by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups

4. Service to be delivered

- Personality Evaluation Mock Test

- NCS (National Competency Standards) Exam Preparation Program

- AI Competency Evaluation / AI Mock Interview Service

Despite the brief summary, I have high expectations for the future as it is a platform that provides almost all the services necessary for employment in Korea.

I attached the official utilization guidebook at the bottom of the post, so please refer to it.

We will work harder for your stable life in Korea today as well.

This was Famigo speaking.


매일 한국의 법과 비자 상식에 대해 알려드리는 Famigo의 Ciel입니다.

정부가 외국인 유학생 유치에 진심이란 것을 알게 되는 지난 일주일이었습니다.

Famigo에 기고하면서 RISE프로그램 등 많은 유학생 지원 프로그램을 소개했었는데요.

교육부와 중기부, 법무부가 합심해 새로운 유학생 채용 연계 시스템을 구축했다고 합니다.

오늘은 ‘K-work 플랫폼’에 대해 알아보겠습니다.

1. K-work 플랫폼이란?

외국인 유학생에겐 맞춤형 중소기업 일자리를 One-Stop으로 지원하고, 중소기업에겐 우수한 글로벌 인재를 유치할 수 있도록 도와주는 외국인 유학생 전용 일자리 매칭 플랫폼

2. 특징

- 한국유학종합시스템(Study in Korea)와 연계, 공공 및 민간 채용 플랫폼과 연계하여 다양한 취업 정보와 상담 서비스 제공이 강화

- 한국유학종합시스템(Study in Korea)의 정보와 법무부 출입국관리정보가 자동으로 연계

- 온라인 이력서 작성, 유학생을 채용하는 기업의 구인 공고, 인공지능(AI) 기반 연결(매칭) 추천 등의 서비스를 제공

3. 주요 혜택

- 우수 외국인 유학생 졸업(예정)자를 대상으로 한 취업맞춤 교육 및 인턴십 지원(글로벌 인재 취업선도대학)

- 무역 관련 협단체를 활용한 수출 분야 직무 교육을 통해 외국인 유학생을 중소기업 수출 전문인력으로 양성(K-수출전사 아카데미)

- 외국인 유학생을 위한 “전문인력(E-7-1)비자 추천”과 비전문 인력(E-9)의 “숙련기능 인력(E-7-4)비자 전환”지원

중기부에서 운영하는 각종 취업지원패키지에 필요한 서식 제공

4. 제공 예정 서비스

- 인적성 평가 모의고사

- NCS(국가직무능력표준) 시험 대비 프로그램

- AI 역량평가 / AI 모의면접 서비스

간단히 정리했는데도, 한국에서 취업에 필요한 거의 모든 서비스를 제공하는 플랫폼이라는 점에서 앞으로의 기대가 큽니다.

포스팅 하단에 공식 활용 가이드 북을 첨부했으니, 참고하시기 바랍니다.

오늘도 여러분들의 안정적인 한국생활을 위해 더욱 노력하겠습니다.


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