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Check your Visa
and what you can get

Visa is one of the most important thing especially when you are thinking  of living in Korea legally for a long time. However, there are not many specific stories about visa when you search through the internet. Famigo is now here to tell you!

You can see basic information about visa in this page, and detailed information through the button below. 

D VisaAcquire your E-7-2 Visa immediately!

29 Aug 2024
Views 290

⬆️This article can be translated: 8 languages⬆️


This is Ciel from Famigo who informs you about the law and visa common sense in Korea every day.

Today, I will tell you how to easily get an E-7 visa for international students through a job as a nursing care worker.

At the long-term care committee held on June 28 this year, it was decided to significantly ease the requirements for foreigners to train and obtain qualifications as nursing care workers. 

In particular, if a nursing care worker job is newly established on a specific activity visa (E-7), and international students and graduates get a job as nursing care workers, they can immediately switch to a specific activity visa(E-7) without conditions such as tenure.

1. Changes

Existing D-2, D-10 visa holders: No qualifications and no employment → Acquisition and immediate visa change

Existing H-2 visa holders can change their qualifications to an F-4 visa upon acquisition

2. preparatory documents

- Passport, alien registration card, application form, 1 standard photo 

- Original and copy of employment contract - Include hourly pay unit price, daily working hours, contract period (3 months or longer), work details, etc 

- Documents proving the establishment agency, such as a business license and a certified copy of the corporate register, etc (affiliated company): Certificate of payment details (certification of tax facts) or company financial statements, 

- Tax payment certificate (certificate of completion of national tax) and local tax payment certificate (check for normal business and tax arrears) 

 - a guarantee of identity  Degree certificate, career certificate, certificate, etc 

For more information, please contact Famigo and I will guide you.

We will try to make sure that you live a stable life in Korea today as well.

This was Famigo speaking.


매일 한국의 법과 비자 상식에 대해 알려드리는 Famigo의 Ciel입니다.

오늘은 요양보호사로의 취직을 통해 유학생이 쉽게 E-7비자 발급을 받을 수 있는 방법에 대해 알려드리겠습니다.

올해 6월 28일에 열린 장기요양위원회에서, 외국인들의 요양보호사 교육 및 자격 취득 요건을 대폭 완화하기로 했습니다. 

특히, 특정활동 비자(E-7)에 요양보호사 직종이 신설되고, 유학생과 졸업생이 요양보호사로 취직할 경우 재직 기간 등의 조건 없이 바로 특정활동 비자로 전환할 수 있다는 장점이 있습니다.

  1. 변경사항

  • 기존 D-2, D-10 비자 소지자: 자격 취득 및 취업 불가 → 취득 및 즉시 비자 변경 가능

  • 기존 H-2 비자 보유자가 취득시 F-4 비자로 자격 변경 가능

  1. 준비서류

  • 여권, 외국인등록증,신청서

  • 표준규격 사진 1매 

  • 고용계약서 원본 및 사본 - 시간당 급여 단가, 일일 근무시간, 계약기간(3개월 이상), 근무내용 등 포함 기재 

  • 사업자등록증 및 법인등기부등본 등 설립기관 입증서류 

  • (소속회사) : 납부내역증명(납세사실증명) 또는 회사재무제표, 

납세증명서(국세완납증명서), 지방세 납세증명서(정상영업 및 세금체납여부확인) 

  •  신원보증서 

  •  학위증, 경력증명서, 자격증 등 

더욱 자세한 내용은 Famigo로 문의주시면 안내드리겠습니다.

오늘도 여러분들의 안정적인 한국 생활을 위해 노력하겠습니다.


If you have any questions, feel free to ask to Famigo either through the bottom-right chatbox, Kakao, Facebook, Instagram, or Whatsapp.

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