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Check your Visa
and what you can get

Visa is one of the most important thing especially when you are thinking  of living in Korea legally for a long time. However, there are not many specific stories about visa when you search through the internet. Famigo is now here to tell you!

You can see basic information about visa in this page, and detailed information through the button below. 

E-9 Visa recruiting Ends soon!

8 Oct 2024
Views 5758

⬆️This article can be translated: 8 languages⬆️


This is Ciel from Famigo who informs you about the law and visa common sense in Korea every day.

Details related to the last employment permit system in 24 years come out and I'm informing you.

If you haven't registered your person on Worknet yet, you'd better register as soon as possible.

Shall we find out together?

1. Target industry

manufacturing, shipbuilding, mining, agricultural and livestock industries, fishing, forestry, construction, and service industries

2. Date of employment interview for the company: October 7, 2024 to October 18, 2024.

3. Confirmation of workplaces subject to the issuance of employment permits: October 23, 2024 - November 1, 2024.

4. Issuance of employment permit

- Manufacturing, shipbuilding, and mining: November 5, 2024 to November 8, 2024.

- Agricultural and livestock industries, fisheries, forestry, construction, and service industries: November 11, 2024 - November 15, 2024

Once an employment permit is issued, E-9 visa holders can go and work in person.

In fact, the registration/employment must be completed by November 7th / November 14th, so I need to register as soon as possible considering my history and visa status.

If you have any additional questions, please contact Famigo and we will respond kindly.

We will try to make sure that you live a stable life in Korea today as well.

This was Famigo speaking.


매일 한국의 법과 비자 상식에 대해 알려드리는 Famigo의 Ciel입니다.

24년 마지막 고용허가제 관련 세부 내용이 나와 안내드립니다.

아직 워크넷에 인적 등록을 하지 않으신 분들은 최대한 빠르게 등록하시는 것이 낫겠습니다.

함께 알아볼까요?

1. 대상 업종

제조업, 조선업, 광업, 농축산업, 어업, 임업, 건설업, 서비스업

2. 기업의 고용 면접일: 2024. 10. 7. ~ 2024. 10. 18.

3. 고용허가서 발급대상 사업장 확정: 2024. 10. 23. ~ 2024. 11. 1.

4. 고용허가서 발급

- 제조업, 조선업, 광업: 2024. 11. 5. ~ 2024. 11. 8.

- 농축산업, 어업, 임업, 건설업, 서비스업: 2024. 11. 11 ~ 2024. 11. 15

고용허가서가 발급되면, E-9 비자 소지자분들이 직접 가서 일을 하실 수 있습니다.

실질적으로 등록/취업 완료까지 11월 7일 / 11월 14일까지 완료되어야 하는 만큼 본인의 이력과 비자 상태를 고려해 최대한 빨리 등록해야겠습니다.

추가적인 문의 사항은 Famigo로 연락주시면 친절하게 답변드리겠습니다.

오늘도 여러분들의 안정적인 한국 생활을 위해 노력하겠습니다.


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