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Check your Visa
and what you can get

Visa is one of the most important thing especially when you are thinking  of living in Korea legally for a long time. However, there are not many specific stories about visa when you search through the internet. Famigo is now here to tell you!

You can see basic information about visa in this page, and detailed information through the button below. 

Last E-7-1 Recommendation in 2024! Get your job ASAP!

11 Nov 2024
Views 3492

⬆️This article can be translated: 8 languages⬆️


This is Ciel from Famigo who informs you about the law and visa common sense in Korea every day.

I think what foreign students who want to stay in Korea for a long time need is a job.

Accordingly, the Ministry of SMEs and Startups posted an E-7-1 job recommendation notice today.

Since it is the last E-7-1 employment recommendation in 24 years, I hope it will help you to get a visa by thoroughly preparing it.

In particular, even if the employment is confirmed, if there is no government employment recommendation, companies will have to prepare separately, so you should prepare the documents properly.

Let's take a look together.

1. international student requirements

- In the case of a professional bachelor's degree, a person who has graduated from a domestic junior college (scheduled) and has more than one year of experience.

(However, exemption from career requirements for employment in 24 occupations related to major subjects)

- In the case of a bachelor's degree, a person who has graduated from a domestic university (scheduled) or higher (major irrelevant)

Korea Communications University, Cyber University, and Technology University are excluded

1. 유학생 요건

- 전문학사의 경우, 국내 전문대학 졸업(예정) 전문학사 학위 소지자로서, 1년 이상의 경력을 가진 사람.

(단, 전공과목과 관련 있는 24개 직종 취업시 경력 요건 면제)

- 학사의 경우, 국내 대학 졸업(예정) 학사 이상 학위를 소지한 사람(전공 무관)

방송통신대학, 사이버대학, 기술대학은 제외

2. How to apply: Receive e-mail ( )

2. 신청방법: 이메일 접수(

3. a submission document

- Application for Employment Recommendation of Foreign Professional Personnel Part 1

- the first part of a pledge

- Part 1 of consent form for collecting and using personal and corporate information and providing it to third parties

- Company Introduction Part 1

- One copy of the business registration certificate

- Small and Medium Business Confirmation Department 1

- Financial statements (settlement of previous year) 1 copy

- a copy of the standard labor contract

- (Web developer, designer) Part 1 of the employment insurance subscriber's list

- a copy of an alien registration card and passport

- a copy of a degree certificate issued within the last three months

- Foreign professional personnel's career certificate and license holding status 1 part each (selected)

3. 제출 서류

- 외국전문인력 고용추천 신청서 1부

- 서약서 1부

- 개인, 기업정보 수집이용, 제3자제공 동의서 1부

- 회사소개서 1부

- 사업자등록증 1부

- 중소기업확인서 1부

- 재무제표(직전년도 결산) 1부

- 표준근로 계약서 사본 1부

- (웹개발자, 디자이너) 고용보험가입자명부 1부

- 외국인 등록증 및 여권 사본 1부

- 최근 3개월 이내 발급된 학위 증명서 1부

- 외국 전문인력 경력 증명서, 자격증 보유 현황 각 1부(선택)

We will try to make sure that you live a stable life in Korea today as well.

This was Famigo speaking.

오늘도 여러분들의 안정적인 한국 생활을 위해 노력하겠습니다.


If you have any questions, ask about it through either of the followings.

1. Visa Application Form: Click here to write

2. KakaoTalk:

3. Chatbox in the bottom right corner

4. Email:

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